vineri, 13 decembrie 2013

Sarbatori Fericite!

               A venit iarna! (Bravo, Sherlock!) Si, odata cu ea, sarbatorile (trebuie sa fii un geniu). Asta e perioada anului poate cea mai asteptata, si e normal.
               Luminite, muzica, zapada (daca este), pana si reclamele cu Coca-Cola ne fac sa ne simtim mai bine. Ne simtim mai bine, alaturi de familie, adunati in jurul mesei (daca sunteti tineri s-ar putea sa fiti adunati pe mese, se pare ca e un trend), langa bradul de Craciun. Craciunul, ziua in jurul careia toate sarbatorile de iarna se invart. Ziua in care se naste Iisus. Motiv pentru care suntem atat de fericiti de existenta acestei zile.
               Dar daca intrebati pe orice copil de pana in sapte ani o sa va spuna ca sarbatoarea nasterii lui Jebus este doar ziua in care vine Mos Craciun. Nu ca ar fi gresit, dar nu asta era semnificatia, nu? Se pare ca si cei mari se gandesc uneori la cadouri. Sau daca nu, cei mari vad in sarbatori doar un motiv de a face toxinfectie alimentara, intoxicatie alcoolica, sau de a baga in ei mancare pana plesnesc. In orice caz, nu se gandesc la Esus.
               NU zic sa se gandeasca lumea la Jebus, daca nu vrea, ca nici eu nu ma gandesc, nu-mi pasa si in mod cert nu sarbatoresc nasterea lui improbabila dintr-o fecioara. Dar daca tot te consideri crestin, cred ca ai pretui mai mult insemnatatea Craciunului decat pretuiesti o bucata de friptura. Unii oameni asteapta sarbatorile doar ca sa manance mai mult decat de obicei. Pentru ca pentru patru saptamani s-au infometat, ca tin post. Are sens sa nu mananci carne si lactate pentru o luna intreaga ca dupa sa recuperezi in cateva zile si sa ti se faca rau, nu? Sarbatorile sunt stupide, in esenta lor. Si totusi imi plac, pentru ca pot sa stau langa familie.
             29 decembrie. Sarbatoarea sfantei familii. Stiu ca e vorba de Iisus, Maria si Iosif. Dar orice familie este sfanta, sau ar trebui sa fie. Si defapt asta cred ca e mai important decat cadourile pe care ni le facem unul altuia. Cred ca daca nu ar fi existat obiceiul cadourilor de 25 decembrie, si netrebnicul ala de Mos Craciun, ziua de 29 era mai importanta.
               Si ca sa va las intr-o atmosfera placuta, va urez sanatate, fericire, sa fiti iubiti si fie ca sufletele voastre calduroase sa incalzeasca si atmosfera din casa. Daca nu, luati-va un calorifer. Si nu uitati, familia e mai importanta. Pentru ca orice ar fi, Jesus moare. Tipul asta nu-si invata niciodata lectia.

joi, 12 decembrie 2013

Omegle still has real people!

          Am incercat intr-o seara sa intru pe Omegle, ca trebuia sa il plagiez de mult pe Stefan. Si nu am reusit. Pe langa zecile de link-uri cu negromani care erau dispusi sa-si arate bijuteria genetica, am dar peste un englezoi de 22 de ani cu care am purtat o discutie de peste o ora. Din fericire nu a fost nevoie sa il plagiez pe Ciumpalau. Uitati papa pentru creierica (scuzati unele din greselile mele de scriere sau brainfart-urile) :

Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: how are you today?
You: I'm pretty good
You: you?
Stranger: I am having a lazy Saturday.
Stranger: Where in the world are you?
You: Romania. It's actually Sunday for me now
You: how about you?
Stranger: I don't know too much about Romania. I heard its illegal to teach evolution in schools there, is that true?

Stranger: I am in the UK.
You: is evolution a subject in the UK?
Stranger: No. But it is an important part of Biology.
Stranger: it is taught here.
You: in this casse, we have this as well
You: case*
Stranger: so evolution is taught in schools?
You: i guess in the upped grades
Stranger: Fair enough. That is good to hear.
You: i don't recall having been taught it yet though
Stranger: what age are you?
You: I'm 16
You: you?
Stranger: I am 22.
Stranger: I knew I wasn't imagining it.
You: To be honest, this is the first time on Omegle, and it was for trolling. But it is nice meeting somebody serious around here

You: people like you are rare here
Stranger: It depends on the interest you put in.
Stranger: I find most people on science are nice.
You: i realised what the problem with evolution is in romania
You: people are religious here
You: we have a class specially for religion in school
Stranger: what religion is the dominant one in romania?
You: I for one am catholic
You: but most people are orthodox
You: i think that's how it's spelled
Stranger: I was raised catholic. I don't know anyone my age who believes in god though.
You: I don't believe in god myself
Stranger: Religion is seen as an old fashioned idea.
You: what I hate most about religion is that people stuff it up your throat
You: people in romania are old fashioned
Stranger: yeah. Theyre afraid of people really thinking about it for themselves.
Stranger: Its impossible to do with the internet.
You: you won't find old people who don't believe in a god
You: You know what i believe in? The sun. At least I know it exists.
Stranger: yeah.
You: And it helps me.
Stranger: I like humanism. The idea that were all just animals who are fairly intelligent. And were all really fairly similar so we should be nice to one another.

You: After all, we're not too different from animals anyway.
You: Sometimes I find animals more intelligent than people.
Stranger: exactly! We have 98% the same DNA as chimpanzees.
You: so why should we think we are so important?
Stranger: I dont think we are, especially in terms of how big the universe is.
Stranger: But other people is all we really have in this big dark emptiness.
You: right
You: and speaking of universe
You: do you think there is life anywhere else?
You: i really believe there has to be
Stranger: Yeah, I think so too. Definitely simple life, bacteria and stuff
Stranger: I wonder if there are any advanced civilizations out there though.
You: anything that counts as a life form is good for me. There should be advanced civilizations as well
Stranger: do you think they will be nice to us?
Stranger: will we be nice to them?
You: it depends on how dangerous we seem to them and vice-versa
Stranger: well historically humans dont like to be the second in command. The native americans were no threat to European settlers.

Stranger: but they still did horrible things to them.
You: yes, but we're talking about other civilizations
You: that might not be like us
You: who knows what they might think of us, presuming they are more advanced.
You: they might see us like we see chimps
Stranger: I doubt they'll even care. Why try to explain calculus to an ant?
You: and we don't really bother with chimps
Stranger: ha, exactly.
You: yes.
You: This conversation is the most intelligent thing i've done today
Stranger: If they don't teach it in your schools, this is a less than 10 minute video that explains natural selection very well. Its actually pretty interesting.
Stranger: bookmark it, watch it when you have the chance. :)
You: i like thinking that people commiting suicide are people who were not strong enough to face natural selection

You: thanks for the link
Stranger: np. :) Well, I think humans have kind of reversed the process.
Stranger: We don't adapt to our environment anymore, we make our environment adapt to us.
You: that makes us not very flexible
You: i never thought of it this way
Stranger: and when you think about it, ideas evolve much faster than genes.
Stranger: When I tell you about my ideas, they "reproduce" with all the ideas in your head.
You: nice way of saying that
Stranger: and eventually through all this spreading, someone gets the idea to invent a new vaccine.
Stranger: but this only takes decades, not millions of years.
Stranger: thats why the internet is so important.
You: so it's not that we evolve genetically, but we have the ability to memorise, emphatise and put into practice

You: people using the internet seem much more open minded to me
You: either open minded or stupid and horny
Stranger: A human with an iphone has the power and knowledge of a god.
Stranger: haha, yup
Stranger: If, when we get to roughly 90 years old, someone figures out how to end aging and make people live forever, would you want to?

You: no, people have to die, so others can be born
Stranger: Well if we can colonise mars and grow food in labs and resources and space arent a problem.
Stranger: what about then?
You: and still
You: people would want to reproduce
You: not necesarilly for evolving but maybe just for fun
Stranger: well its a big galaxy
Stranger: it will be a while before we fill it up.
You: and will it be good to populate many planets?
You: think about wars that can start
You: because somebody wants power
Stranger: if resources are infinite then why go to war?
You: power
You: this also happens now i believe
Stranger: but again, the most powerful king has the same resources as the lowliest peasant
Stranger: power doesnt really exist anymore.
You: tell that to the the big guys
You: that fight over it
Stranger: Power WONT exist is what I mean.
You: i for one want to, one day, have a nice family and a decent income and i'm good
You: I hope you're right
Stranger: Well I want to live to see the last star in the milky way burn out.
Stranger: then I'll die in peace.
You: I'd like not to die in pain of any sort.
Stranger: does it scare you to see your parents get older?
Stranger: It terrifies me.
You: I'm not scared. But that does not mean i don't see it.
You: I know i'll die sometime as well
Stranger: can I rephrase my original question then?
You: the only thing that makes me sad is that they look like they do everything they do to raise me
You: yes you can
Stranger: Someone gives you the choice:
Stranger: Die right now this very instant or live for a billion years. Which do you take?
You: well, i don't want to die right now cause i feel i have not accomplished anything major yet
You: i said it earlier, i want to have a family and a nice income and then i'll be ok
You: everything over 75 would be fine for me
Stranger: so youd take the billion years?
You: yes, even though this wouldn't please me
Stranger: That's the thing though. Everyone will ALWAYS want one more day.
Stranger: Its easy to talk about when youre a teenager and death is a very distant prospect.
Stranger: but if youre an old person and it is close, you will probably feel very differently.
You: it depends
You: i think
You: i never thought about dying
You: i mean about me dying i mean
You: lol
You: stupid mistake i made
Stranger: I think mortality really hits home in peoples late teens or early twenties.
Stranger: Youre not stupid, youre just young. Everyone your age thinks that way.Stranger: not that Im very old or wise myself.

You: i wouldn't really want to think about dying unless i have my life sorted out
You: professionally and in terms of family
Stranger: life will never be perfect though.
Stranger: No matter how rich you get or how good your family is or how hard you work
Stranger: you will always have problems.
Stranger: thats not to depress you
Stranger: but its just the way life is.
You: how perfect is a perfect life?
You: i'm not looking up to a perfect life
Stranger: well if you didnt have something to fix you wouldnt get out of bed in the morning I guess.
You: i want it to be good
You: and theoretically it is for me
You: so i could die
Stranger: I gotta go stranger. Great talking to you though. :)
You: Have a nice evening.
You: It was nice
Stranger: you as well.

Uite-un os pentru ca ai citit pana aici:

marți, 3 decembrie 2013

"Experimentele purtate pe animale sunt imorale"

               Daca tot am vorbit de caini, hai sa vorbim de animale in general.       
               Toata lumea spune ca iubeste animalele. Ti-ar pasa daca soarecii sunt omorati pentru beneficiul nostru? Ti s-ar parea moral? Eu cred ca nu e nimic imoral in a folosi animalele pentru experimente. Si am cateva argumente cu care sa-mi sustin parerea.
               In primul rand, cred ca nu am vrea sa omoram oameni in experimente ca sa vedem daca ceva omoara oameni, pentru ca nu prea are sens. Poate ca ai salva mai multe vieti daca testezi ceva pe un esantion de oameni decat sa distribui la scara larga acel ceva fara sa fii sigur daca e sigur, si poate sa omoare milioane de oameni, dar poti sa testezi pe animale, si nu mai omori oameni deloc.
                Sa testezi pe oameni nu e o idee stralucita. Sa experimentezi cu substante intentionate folosirii de catre oameni, pe plante, nu e prea destept, de asemenea, pentru ca structura plantelor nu e nici pe departe asemanatoare de cea a oamenilor. Cred ca e un motiv destul de bun, mai departe.
              Oamenilor le place sa vaneze, si de obicei, nici nu e pentru mancare, ci doar ca sa se distreze. Daca ar fi fost pentru mancare, nu ar mai fi fost distractiv. Dar este moral sa omori un animal fara un motiv aparent? Este mai moral decat doar sa risti viata unei rozatoare, cu un scop?
              Ceea ce ma aduce la alt argument. Nu numai ca animalele pe care oamenii le vaneaza fara rost sunt mult, mult mai rare decat rozatoarele, dar acestea se si reproduc mai greu si in numere mai mici, asa ca multe specii vanate de oameni sunt periclitate: ursi, lupi, vulpi, mistreti, astea sunt in numare mult mai mici decat decat rozatoarele. Asa ca de ce sa ne facem griji pentru cateva rozatoare cand sunt alte specii de animale pe care de disparitie care nu au de ce sa moara si pe care le-am putea salva?
             Ma intorc la ideea de experimente, un alt motiv pentru a face experimente pe animale este faptul ca animalele sunt fiintele cele mai apropiate de corpul uman, care sa nu fie corpul uman. Credeti sau nu, avem in comun 92% din genele noastre cu soarecii, ceea ce ne ajuta sa determinam care substante sunt bune pentru noi fara sa riscam vieti omenesti.
             In plus, de ce ni se pare noua ca, sa omoram soareci cu substante este mai imoral decat, de exemplu, sa omoram gaini, sa le jupuim penele, sa le evisceram, si apoi sa le facem mancare? Sa nu mai zic ca e scarbos, dar, hei, facem asta pentru sanatatea noastra, acelasi motiv pentru care facem si experimente pe animale. Mancatul ne tine sanatosi in aceeasi masura in care niste medicamente pe care le testam pe animale ar putea.
             Si totusi, exista oameni pe care nu m-ar deranja sa se faca experimente. De exemplu, pe dependentii de droguri. Ei sunt obisnuiti oricum cu substante ciudate, si oricum nu ar fi mare pierdere daca ar muri. Nu pentru mine cel putin. Si cum sa scapi basma-curata cu potentiala crima comisa in urma testarii substantelor? Smecheria e sa ii pui sa semneze un contract cand e sub efectul drogurilor. Sau sa testam pe condamnatii la moarte. Ei oricum o sa moara, da-i dracului.
             (wow, o sa am o incheiere adevarata) Toata lumea zice ca iubeste animalele. Dar hai sa fim sinceri: cand auzi cuvintele "iubire" si "animale", se gandeste cineva la alte animale in afara de caine, pisica, sau animalul sau de companie? Ar spune cineva "Iubesc animalele" cu tot atata pasiune daca ar fi vorba de soareci?


duminică, 1 decembrie 2013

Spiritul Sarbatorilor

       Am intrat in luna decembrie. Afara e rece, bate vantul, ninge. Fulgii de zapada se joaca in lumina felinarelor (sunt stalpi toata ziua). Facem focul in apartament, pornim caloriferele la tara... se simte spiritul sarbatorilor.
       Moment perfect ca sa scriu despre cainii maidanezi. Da, au trecut 3 luni de cand a aparut problema si pana acum a uitat toata lumea (in afara de mine, ca altfel nu scriam). Dar cainii sunt inca pe strazi asa ca pot sa imi exprim parerea.
          Deja am dat o informatie importanta. Se pare ca deja lumea a uitat ca potaile sunt inca pe strazi. Lumea, care era asa speriata de caini, atat de ingrijorata de vietile copiilor mici care pot fi puse in pericol, atat de hotarata sa faca ceva in privinta cainilor, in primele doua saptamani adica, acum nu mai stie despre ce e vorba. Nici nu le mai pasa. "Vreti?" "Da!!! Ce sa vrem?" Cam asa stau lucrurile.
       Dar cand lumii ii pasa, se ciondaneau pe ideea eutanasierii cainilor. Iubitorii de animale (zoofilii dracului...) erau impotriva planului primarului Capitalei.  Bineinteles ca este cineva care sa pupe in fund animalele astea nenorocite. Si zoofilii propun ca animalele sa fie adoptate. 40 de mii de caini. Nimeni nu adopta un caine care este la maturitate si e bolnav, infometat, slabanog, murdar, si care, de mic, a trait ca si in salbaticie. Nici nu stii cum se comporta in spatii inchise. Nici nu stii cand sare si te musca de cap. Sau mai rau... Nu stiu daca ti-ar fi cel mai bun prieten. Nu stiu daca cunoaste notiunea de prieten, sau mai bine zis, instinctul (cu toate ca instinct de prieten suna asaaaa de stupid), pentru ca animalele cam pe asta se bazeaza.
        Alta optiune ar fi fost construirea de adaposturi. Meh, Romania, nu se poate. Moving on.
        Si eu ma consider iubitor de animale, dar asta nu ma opreste din a fi realist si a-mi da seama ca nu e vorba de faptul ca cei care sunt de acord cu eutanasierea urasc animalele, ci doar gandesc rational. Cum nu incape vorba de aplicarea celor doua planuri mentionate mai sus, eutanasierea e cea mai buna solutie. Defapt, e singura solutie. Si hai sa ne gandim si altfel. Presupunand ca adopti unul din acesti caini, si il tii la bloc, crezi ca s-ar simti bine, el, care e obisnuit sa se plimbe cat vrea, cum vrea si UNDE vrea, sa stea in haite si sa miroasa gaoazele altor caini, sa stea in casa ta mica si inghesuita? Nu cumva l-ai chinui mai tare? Nu ca i-ar fi prea bine pe strazi, fara mancare. Adica, hei, o ocazionala carne de om nu le strica, dar in rest? Cred ca cel mai putin ar suferi daca ar fi eutanasiat. Si, daca tot iubesti animalele, arata-le niste respect. Omoara-le. le face sa sufere mai mult decat trebuie.