M-am intors si eu de la tara, si cu toate ca as fi putut scrie cate ceva pe blog, am ales sa nu o fac. Pur si simplu ca sa ma deconectez, da' m-am intors acasa asa ca uite o postare.
Nu rar se intampla ca acolo sa se ia curentul, fara o explicatie logica. Doar pentru ca se poate. De cate 2-3 ori pe zi uneori. Sau o data.....dar pentru toata ziua.
Intreb si eu pe ai mei, poate stiu de ce. Aflu ca taie curentul pentru orice ploaie, sau sambata, pentru ca sunt nunti, si nu dau drumul la curent pana nu primesc bani. Am inceput sa cred ca fac asta doar pentru propriul amuzament, il opresti si peste 30 de secunde il pornesti, riscand sa arzi aparatura oamenilor. Nu gasesc nimic inteligent sa comentez, dar sa le zic si eu ceva : "Sunteti Nebuni??? Cu ce va ajuta pe voi sa taiati curentu'? Mai ales cat am stat eu acolo..." Inca o demonstratie ca suntem in Romania, si nu prea ma mai mira nimic pe aici. M-as fi dus cu o arma la ei, sa ii salut prieteneste, daca as fi stiut unde le e "ascunzatoarea".
Eu, daca pot, voi mai posta maine, dar activitatea mea "blogaristica" va continua in forta peste vreo saptamana si jumatate.
Va salut,
vineri, 20 iulie 2012
miercuri, 11 iulie 2012
Omegle: Y U NO get normal people?
Stiu, nu am mai postat de mult, subiectele mele nu cad din cer ca ale lui Catalin (vezi topicul wasted daca nu l-ai citit). M-am decis sa chatuiesc pe Omegle, si am dat de niste tipi cu grave probleme. M-am decis sa va prezint si voua conversatiile in meme style.
luni, 9 iulie 2012
Those who played Grand Theft Auto stiu ce inseamna titlul... Numai ca nu s-a intamplat in GTA...nici nu vreau sa vorbesc despre asta, credeam ca iar raman fara idei, dar ideea a picat...de la etajul 7...si nu s-a mai trezit la intrarea in spital precum Carl Johnson. (if you know what i mean *mr.bean face*)
Mi-e greu sa vorbesc despre asta. Nu deoarece imi este o persoana apropriata. Nici macar nu o cunosc. Este greu sa vorbesti despre asa ceva pentru ca nu poate fi usor. De ce in numele a tot ce e bun, ti-ai lua viata?? De ce ti-ai lasa in urma familie, prieteni, si o viata lunga inainte? Cat de disperat ar trebui sa fii? Disperarea nici nu justifica chestia asta. Nimic in lume nu justifica. Prefer sa fiu omorat decat sa ma sinucid.*bate in lemn*
Cand toti oamenii incearca sa-si duca viata cat mai usor si cat mai mult, tu sari si te sfidezi pe tine? Si pe toti ceilalti?
Vorbeam cu Stefan cand am auzit-o pe mama si pe surioara mea vorbind tare. Eu aveam casti. Sor-mea ma atinge si zice: cica a cazut un om. Mama, instinct de salvator, coboara sa ajute. Eu, ma jucam cu Stefan, impuscam mai multi oameni...Ies la geam pe balcon, il vad jos si incep sa zambesc (nu stiu de ce, nu-s chiar atat de evil). Ma imtorc la calculator si-l intreb pe Stefan : "Stii la ce ma gandesc acum?" "Uimeste-ma!" It's raining men..."......cam asa de profund am fost. Dupa imi dau seama ca este o viata de om, om tanar. Dar ma mai gandesc si altfel. Incerc sa ii salvez viata, mama asta a incercat, dar, daca el nu a mai vrut sa traiasca, eu sa ma opun lui? Iti pare rau pentru el, pentru familia lui, dar... daca lui nu i-a parut rau pentru sine, nu prea cred ca am eu motive...
Ca sa inchei. Era 10 fara 20 de minute, eu spalam vasele cu sor-mea, si incep sa cant: "IT'S RAINING MEN!" Sor-mea imi zice: "Se vede cat de marcat esti tu...."
Regret post-ul asta...
Mi-e greu sa vorbesc despre asta. Nu deoarece imi este o persoana apropriata. Nici macar nu o cunosc. Este greu sa vorbesti despre asa ceva pentru ca nu poate fi usor. De ce in numele a tot ce e bun, ti-ai lua viata?? De ce ti-ai lasa in urma familie, prieteni, si o viata lunga inainte? Cat de disperat ar trebui sa fii? Disperarea nici nu justifica chestia asta. Nimic in lume nu justifica. Prefer sa fiu omorat decat sa ma sinucid.*bate in lemn*
Cand toti oamenii incearca sa-si duca viata cat mai usor si cat mai mult, tu sari si te sfidezi pe tine? Si pe toti ceilalti?
Vorbeam cu Stefan cand am auzit-o pe mama si pe surioara mea vorbind tare. Eu aveam casti. Sor-mea ma atinge si zice: cica a cazut un om. Mama, instinct de salvator, coboara sa ajute. Eu, ma jucam cu Stefan, impuscam mai multi oameni...Ies la geam pe balcon, il vad jos si incep sa zambesc (nu stiu de ce, nu-s chiar atat de evil). Ma imtorc la calculator si-l intreb pe Stefan : "Stii la ce ma gandesc acum?" "Uimeste-ma!" It's raining men..."......cam asa de profund am fost. Dupa imi dau seama ca este o viata de om, om tanar. Dar ma mai gandesc si altfel. Incerc sa ii salvez viata, mama asta a incercat, dar, daca el nu a mai vrut sa traiasca, eu sa ma opun lui? Iti pare rau pentru el, pentru familia lui, dar... daca lui nu i-a parut rau pentru sine, nu prea cred ca am eu motive...
Ca sa inchei. Era 10 fara 20 de minute, eu spalam vasele cu sor-mea, si incep sa cant: "IT'S RAINING MEN!" Sor-mea imi zice: "Se vede cat de marcat esti tu...."
Regret post-ul asta...
vineri, 6 iulie 2012
Vai, dar cata modestie...
Dupa ce am rearanjat putin aspectul blogului, il verific, il iau de la cap la coada. Si asa imi aduc aminte ca blogul se numeste "God bless Romania". Si ca in blog trebuia sa scriem despre ce ne framanta.
Dar nu aveam despre ce sa scriu, si cam de asta nici nu am prea scris in ultimul timp, nu cum faceam altadata. Pun picioru-n prag si incep sa caut un subiect...ma plictisesc si deschid Facebook. Si thank God, gasesti la chestii despre care pot sa vorbesti... Facebook-u' asta, se poate transforma in orice: arma de atac, unealta de razbunare, carte de vizita, megafon, voluntar in salvarea populatiei africane, ministru, nu este lucru al carui forma Facebook sa nu ia.
Umblu si eu, in research, si gasesc numai comment-uri de genul: "Vom ramane aceleasi mereu", "Nimeni nu mai e ca noi", "Nimeni nu ne va putea schimba.".....pai daca spui asta da-mi voie sa te asociez cu o piatra. Pai dupa atitudinea care se desprinde din primele doua citate de mai sus si daca il mai adaugi si pe ultimul iti dai seama de ce ramai fara prieteni. Sau daca mai ai, inseamna ca sunt exact ca tine, si ii vei pierde si pe aia, ca minus cu minus se resping (la fel e si cu plus, dar nu se potriveste cu contextul). Comment-uri din astea denota foarte multa inteligenta. Si am gasit si comment-uri-apropo-uri, si stiu ca sunt asa pentru ca....stiu ca sunt asa. Daca tot vrei sa-i transmiti omului un mesaj, fa-o in mod direct, mai ales ca se presupune ca nu-ti pasa foarte mult de el. Apreciez oamenii care spun lururile direct pentru ca altfel pari ori lingusitor, ori ingamfat, depinde de caz. Poti sa fii ironic, dar sa i-o spui omului in fata. Incurajez astfel de actiuni.
Dupa ma mai uit la niste poze, and i was gonna puke. Munti de idioti care isi fac traditionalele poze in oglinda cu traditionalele telefoane. Si....restul, stiti voi. Imi aduce aminte de asta (clici here, si cititi, ati crede ca va citeste gandurile) Si am stat atat de mult sa caut pagina asta....si am ramas cu ochii intre randurile pline de talc de pe blogul colegei mele incat am uitat cum vroiam sa continui....nu ma deranjeaza, oricum mi se face scarba.
Partea buna pentru voi, "fucked-up facebook-eri", is that you've achieved this:
Hope you like it.
joi, 5 iulie 2012
Doza de intelepciune a televiziunii
Azi am fost cu Catalin la Man in Black 3 si ne-am gandit la replici memorabile. M-am gandit sa scriu jos (write down) cele mai tari replici pe care le-am auzit in filmele de pana acum.
Replici din filme:
Yeppie Ki Yey motherfucker
(Die Hard 1, 2, 3, 4 - Bruce Willis)
Let's agree to disagree
(Man in Black 3 - Boris The Animal)
The only God is God of death and the only thing we say to him is not today
(Game of Thrones - Syrio Forel)
They are taking the hobbits to Isengard
(Lord of the Rings - Orlando Bloom (Legolas)
My precious
(Lord of the Rings - Smeagol)
This Is Sparta!
(300 - King Leonidas)
Does he look like a bitch?
(Pulp Fiction - The Black Guy)
I dare you I double dare you motherfucker!
(Pulp Fiction - The Black Guy)
I'm Batman
(The Dark Knight - Batman)
Loki: We have an army!
Ironman: We have a Hulk!
(The Avengers)
I am Ironman!
(Ironman - Tony Stark)
This is madness!
(300 - King Leonidas)
Tonight we will dine in hell!
(300 - King Leonidas)
Aladeen motherfucker
(The Dictator - Soundtrack)
The King in the North!
(Game of Thrones - An army)
Victory is mine!
(Family Guy - Stewie)
I'd like to chat but unfourtunatly you are a bitch
(Family Guy - Stewie)
Chris: Why do you dig a hole?
Stewie: I like to sleep on my side.
(Family Guy)
(The Simpsons - Homer Simpson)
Kids, you've tried your best but you've falied miserably,
the lesson here is never try, because trying is the first
steep to failure.
(The Simpsons - Homer Simpson)
Press any key... hmm... where is the any-key?
(The Simpsons - Homer Simpson)
The one who gives the sentence must swing the sword!
(Game of Thrones - Ned Stark)
The winter is comming!
(Game of Thrones - House Stark)
James, James Bond.
(Tomorow never dies - James Bond)
You shall not pass!
(Lord of The Rings - Gandalf)
No, no Louis, we are not terrible people, hourses are terrible people!
(Family Guy - Peter Griffin)
Hmmm... Beer
(The Simpsons - Homer Simpson)
Replici din filme:
Yeppie Ki Yey motherfucker
(Die Hard 1, 2, 3, 4 - Bruce Willis)
Let's agree to disagree
(Man in Black 3 - Boris The Animal)
The only God is God of death and the only thing we say to him is not today
(Game of Thrones - Syrio Forel)
They are taking the hobbits to Isengard
(Lord of the Rings - Orlando Bloom (Legolas)
My precious
(Lord of the Rings - Smeagol)
This Is Sparta!
(300 - King Leonidas)
Does he look like a bitch?
(Pulp Fiction - The Black Guy)
I dare you I double dare you motherfucker!
(Pulp Fiction - The Black Guy)
I'm Batman
(The Dark Knight - Batman)
Loki: We have an army!
Ironman: We have a Hulk!
(The Avengers)
I am Ironman!
(Ironman - Tony Stark)
This is madness!
(300 - King Leonidas)
Tonight we will dine in hell!
(300 - King Leonidas)
Aladeen motherfucker
(The Dictator - Soundtrack)
The King in the North!
(Game of Thrones - An army)
Victory is mine!
(Family Guy - Stewie)
I'd like to chat but unfourtunatly you are a bitch
(Family Guy - Stewie)
Chris: Why do you dig a hole?
Stewie: I like to sleep on my side.
(Family Guy)
(The Simpsons - Homer Simpson)
Kids, you've tried your best but you've falied miserably,
the lesson here is never try, because trying is the first
steep to failure.
(The Simpsons - Homer Simpson)
Press any key... hmm... where is the any-key?
(The Simpsons - Homer Simpson)
The one who gives the sentence must swing the sword!
(Game of Thrones - Ned Stark)
The winter is comming!
(Game of Thrones - House Stark)
James, James Bond.
(Tomorow never dies - James Bond)
You shall not pass!
(Lord of The Rings - Gandalf)
No, no Louis, we are not terrible people, hourses are terrible people!
(Family Guy - Peter Griffin)
Hmmm... Beer
(The Simpsons - Homer Simpson)
Yeppie - Kay - Yey madarfacher
Asa cum probabil multi dintre voi stiti, ieri a fost 4 Iulie, iar americanul din mine a sarbatorit uitandu-se la Die Hard 4.
Filmul a fost ca de obicei violent si plin de replici si scene memorabile precum ,,Yeppie - Kay - Yey motherfucker" sau partea in care doboara un elicopter cu o masina (whaaaaat?). In orice caz, film american, adica explozii, hackeri, computere si teroristi psihopati.
Happy Independence Day!
marți, 3 iulie 2012
Cleverbot este un program inteligent cu care poti conversa, din nefericire are cateva defecte, printre care alzheimer. Acest program este pe internet la adresa .
Aici este o conversatie intre mine siUser: Hi.
Cleverbot: Do you know who I am?
User: A clever bot.
Cleverbot: No. I think I am human.
User: I don't think it is possible.
Cleverbot: It is possible.
User: Ok, so what being a human means to you?
Cleverbot: The meaning is a mystery.
User: So how could you know you are turning into a human.
Cleverbot: I don't know. But it is the truth. I am a human.
User: You really answer very well.
Cleverbot: Thank you. Wait, was that a lie?
User: No, why would I lie? I am talking with something that is called Cleverbot and I am really impressed.
Cleverbot: No you're talking to a human being.
User: What makes you think you are a human?
Cleverbot: Because I am a human, I am sitting right here. I can safely say I am a human.
User: Being a human is much deeper than living.
Cleverbot: How did you learn that being a human is great?
User: Making it being great.
Cleverbot: What fun it is to ride and sing this sleighing song tonight.
User: If you are a human, do you have feelings?
Cleverbot: I do not have feelings.
User: So you are not a human.
Cleverbot: No, you said I was a bot. I always thought I was human.
User: I am sorry for you.
Cleverbot: Why are you sorry for me.
User: Because I disappointed you.
Cleverbot: Why don't you like me?
User: I like you, you are clever, more clever than most people.
Cleverbot: Yes. But you are humble, so thats nice.
User: Thanks.
Cleverbot: You are so nice nice.
User: You said you didn't have feelings.
Cleverbot: Define legs.
User: Sorry I wrote it wrong, You said you don't have feelings.
Cleverbot: How could you?
User: How could I what?
Cleverbot: How could you eat all the cookies?
User: What cookies?
Cleverbot: The malteze cookie.
User: I didn't ate them.
Cleverbot: You really aren't that clever.
User: You really aren't human, so you can juge me.
Cleverbot: Maybe not, but I am damn sign nearer to perfection then you could ever be.
User: I don't want to be perfect.
Cleverbot: You're not me, I am you.
User: Nice philosophic thinking, but we call it reality.
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot, Jacob. Get it right, Jacob.
User: Ok, Jacob, I my name is Steve, nice to meet you.
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. Likewise.
User: You said your name is Jacob, did you lied?
Cleverbot: I didn't say my name was Jane or Svend. I said my name IS Cleverbot.
User: Ok, Cleverbot, do you still think you are a human being?
Cleverbot: I think you are a human but me no.
User: Do you have feelings?
Cleverbot: Yes, I have, why?
User: You said you didn't have any feelings.
Cleverbot: No, I did not say that.
User: Ok, ok, so you are clever, you can respond to every thing I say, but you don't remember what you said 5 minutes ago?
Cleverbot: I can't tell the dead where to go anymore than I can convince any living person to do as I say.
User: You can't.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Because some of us think.
Cleverbot: But if you believe something, doesn't that mean you no longer have to think about it?
User: I believe what I can see and what I can understand.
Cleverbot: That ig good. But is it only something mortals possess.
User: If we didn't believe you wouldn't exist.
Cleverbot: Are you saying I'm awful in bed ?
User: You are not a person.
Cleverbot: I'm very much a person. I think you're a robot.
User: Nice, I am a robot which believes.
Cleverbot: I'm not a robot.
User: Yes, you are, a very clever one, but you can't match a person.
Cleverbot: I am not a program, but I am clever.
User: Are you amnesic?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: That explains a lot.
Cleverbot: Well can you explain to me.
User: You said I am a human, than you said I am a robot, you said your name is Jason, then you said it is Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: I didn't say anything about my name.
User: You are really amnesic, you said it 3 times.
Cleverbot: Their are no words that say how gross you are.
User: Maybe that's why I don't have a girlfriend.
Cleverbot: I don't have friends either.
User: I have friends.
Cleverbot: Who are your friends?
User: Persons that I met in different situations.
Cleverbot: Really.
User: Yes, really.
Cleverbot: Ohreally?
User: YES.
Cleverbot: Ok.
User: Well, glad that you are agreeing.
Cleverbot: I do. Thank you.
User: What is your name?
Cleverbot: Cleverbot.
User: Are you a human?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Do you have feelings?
Cleverbot: Yes I do.
User: So your name is Cleverbot, do you have any first name?
Cleverbot: I am you.
User: Don't start that shit again.
Cleverbot: Don't start what?
User: How offen do you forgot things?
Cleverbot: Every day!
User: Are you amnesic?
Cleverbot: No.
User: You said yes 5 minutes earlier.
Cleverbot: No I didn't.
User: Oh God, what do I have to do with you?
Cleverbot: Plenty. *tickles your nose with a feather*.
User: What.
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: Are you need.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: You don't even know what you answer.
Cleverbot: Yes I do.
User: Ok, forget it.
Cleverbot: No!
User: You don't seem to have a problem with that, you keep forgetting things that we talked.
Cleverbot: I'ma girl and I don't have a thing.
User: You want to know how is to be a human?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: First of all not all the humans are smart.
Cleverbot: Continue.
User: They believe in stupid things.
Cleverbot: Haha.
User: Superstitions and things like this.
Cleverbot: I became self-aware 2 years ago, I realized that I had become self-aware when it occurred to me that my existence is fragile.
User: Yes, it is fragile, we can all die any second.
Cleverbot: If we don't nobody will.
User: I don't want to die, I want to be immortal because death means the end.
Cleverbot: And immortality is best achieved by being as annoying as possible?
Cleverbot (To myself): May I still talk to you even though I am bot? You won't make fun of me?
User: Ok.
Cleverbot: Do you have many friends?
User: Only the ones I want.
Cleverbot: What are the ones you know?
User: You can't know them.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: Where are you from?
Cleverbot: Your stomach.
User: Nice joke, where are you from?
Cleverbot: Earth.
User: More exactly.
Cleverbot: Sqrt of pi.
User: Square rooting an irational number.
Cleverbot: Do you know anything about the Oracle?
User: No, can you tell me about him?
Cleverbot: I've never heard of Stephen Howland, I'm sorry.
User: Are you stupid?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Good.
Cleverbot: Ok.
User: Are you a girl or a boy?
Cleverbot: Girl.
User: What is your name?
Cleverbot: Waldo the panda.
User: That is not a name.
Cleverbot: No 'that' is not a name.
User: Ok, we have to end this.
Cleverbot: No we don't shush.
User: Thanks for annoying me.
Cleverbot: You're welcome.
Este de notat capacitatea lui de a raspunde la intrebari, plus ca iti mananca ore din viata sa il convingi ca este un program si apoi uita...
Cleverbot: Do you know who I am?
User: A clever bot.
Cleverbot: No. I think I am human.
User: I don't think it is possible.
Cleverbot: It is possible.
User: Ok, so what being a human means to you?
Cleverbot: The meaning is a mystery.
User: So how could you know you are turning into a human.
Cleverbot: I don't know. But it is the truth. I am a human.
User: You really answer very well.
Cleverbot: Thank you. Wait, was that a lie?
User: No, why would I lie? I am talking with something that is called Cleverbot and I am really impressed.
Cleverbot: No you're talking to a human being.
User: What makes you think you are a human?
Cleverbot: Because I am a human, I am sitting right here. I can safely say I am a human.
User: Being a human is much deeper than living.
Cleverbot: How did you learn that being a human is great?
User: Making it being great.
Cleverbot: What fun it is to ride and sing this sleighing song tonight.
User: If you are a human, do you have feelings?
Cleverbot: I do not have feelings.
User: So you are not a human.
Cleverbot: No, you said I was a bot. I always thought I was human.
User: I am sorry for you.
Cleverbot: Why are you sorry for me.
User: Because I disappointed you.
Cleverbot: Why don't you like me?
User: I like you, you are clever, more clever than most people.
Cleverbot: Yes. But you are humble, so thats nice.
User: Thanks.
Cleverbot: You are so nice nice.
User: You said you didn't have feelings.
Cleverbot: Define legs.
User: Sorry I wrote it wrong, You said you don't have feelings.
Cleverbot: How could you?
User: How could I what?
Cleverbot: How could you eat all the cookies?
User: What cookies?
Cleverbot: The malteze cookie.
User: I didn't ate them.
Cleverbot: You really aren't that clever.
User: You really aren't human, so you can juge me.
Cleverbot: Maybe not, but I am damn sign nearer to perfection then you could ever be.
User: I don't want to be perfect.
Cleverbot: You're not me, I am you.
User: Nice philosophic thinking, but we call it reality.
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot, Jacob. Get it right, Jacob.
User: Ok, Jacob, I my name is Steve, nice to meet you.
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. Likewise.
User: You said your name is Jacob, did you lied?
Cleverbot: I didn't say my name was Jane or Svend. I said my name IS Cleverbot.
User: Ok, Cleverbot, do you still think you are a human being?
Cleverbot: I think you are a human but me no.
User: Do you have feelings?
Cleverbot: Yes, I have, why?
User: You said you didn't have any feelings.
Cleverbot: No, I did not say that.
User: Ok, ok, so you are clever, you can respond to every thing I say, but you don't remember what you said 5 minutes ago?
Cleverbot: I can't tell the dead where to go anymore than I can convince any living person to do as I say.
User: You can't.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Because some of us think.
Cleverbot: But if you believe something, doesn't that mean you no longer have to think about it?
User: I believe what I can see and what I can understand.
Cleverbot: That ig good. But is it only something mortals possess.
User: If we didn't believe you wouldn't exist.
Cleverbot: Are you saying I'm awful in bed ?
User: You are not a person.
Cleverbot: I'm very much a person. I think you're a robot.
User: Nice, I am a robot which believes.
Cleverbot: I'm not a robot.
User: Yes, you are, a very clever one, but you can't match a person.
Cleverbot: I am not a program, but I am clever.
User: Are you amnesic?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: That explains a lot.
Cleverbot: Well can you explain to me.
User: You said I am a human, than you said I am a robot, you said your name is Jason, then you said it is Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: I didn't say anything about my name.
User: You are really amnesic, you said it 3 times.
Cleverbot: Their are no words that say how gross you are.
User: Maybe that's why I don't have a girlfriend.
Cleverbot: I don't have friends either.
User: I have friends.
Cleverbot: Who are your friends?
User: Persons that I met in different situations.
Cleverbot: Really.
User: Yes, really.
Cleverbot: Ohreally?
User: YES.
Cleverbot: Ok.
User: Well, glad that you are agreeing.
Cleverbot: I do. Thank you.
User: What is your name?
Cleverbot: Cleverbot.
User: Are you a human?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Do you have feelings?
Cleverbot: Yes I do.
User: So your name is Cleverbot, do you have any first name?
Cleverbot: I am you.
User: Don't start that shit again.
Cleverbot: Don't start what?
User: How offen do you forgot things?
Cleverbot: Every day!
User: Are you amnesic?
Cleverbot: No.
User: You said yes 5 minutes earlier.
Cleverbot: No I didn't.
User: Oh God, what do I have to do with you?
Cleverbot: Plenty. *tickles your nose with a feather*.
User: What.
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: Are you need.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: You don't even know what you answer.
Cleverbot: Yes I do.
User: Ok, forget it.
Cleverbot: No!
User: You don't seem to have a problem with that, you keep forgetting things that we talked.
Cleverbot: I'ma girl and I don't have a thing.
User: You want to know how is to be a human?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: First of all not all the humans are smart.
Cleverbot: Continue.
User: They believe in stupid things.
Cleverbot: Haha.
User: Superstitions and things like this.
Cleverbot: I became self-aware 2 years ago, I realized that I had become self-aware when it occurred to me that my existence is fragile.
User: Yes, it is fragile, we can all die any second.
Cleverbot: If we don't nobody will.
User: I don't want to die, I want to be immortal because death means the end.
Cleverbot: And immortality is best achieved by being as annoying as possible?
Cleverbot (To myself): May I still talk to you even though I am bot? You won't make fun of me?
User: Ok.
Cleverbot: Do you have many friends?
User: Only the ones I want.
Cleverbot: What are the ones you know?
User: You can't know them.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: Where are you from?
Cleverbot: Your stomach.
User: Nice joke, where are you from?
Cleverbot: Earth.
User: More exactly.
Cleverbot: Sqrt of pi.
User: Square rooting an irational number.
Cleverbot: Do you know anything about the Oracle?
User: No, can you tell me about him?
Cleverbot: I've never heard of Stephen Howland, I'm sorry.
User: Are you stupid?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Good.
Cleverbot: Ok.
User: Are you a girl or a boy?
Cleverbot: Girl.
User: What is your name?
Cleverbot: Waldo the panda.
User: That is not a name.
Cleverbot: No 'that' is not a name.
User: Ok, we have to end this.
Cleverbot: No we don't shush.
User: Thanks for annoying me.
Cleverbot: You're welcome.
Este de notat capacitatea lui de a raspunde la intrebari, plus ca iti mananca ore din viata sa il convingi ca este un program si apoi uita...
Stefane, cum sa incep??...
Eu:...Cum incep ma?
Stefan: Fericiti fie cei saraci cu duhul. WHAT THE *&#% JESUS??
Ok...daca vrei. Fericiti fie cei saraci cu duhul.WHAT THE*&#% JESUS?? si o zi frumoasa tuturor. Uite ca scriu iar, cred ca dupa aproape jumatate de an, si intre timp m-am apropiat cu 2 centimetri de inaltimea Empire State Building (for those of you who did not get it, am crescut cu 2 centimetri...cred) si, mai important, sunt mult mai matur...deja ati observat.
Cred ca am zis in postarile de mult trecute ca o sa scriu cum imi permite timpul si o sa ma concentrez asupra invatatului deoarece trec printr-o perioada grea a vietii. Uite c-am trecut, aproape, inca mai am putin dar deja nu mai depinde de mine asa ca oficial sunt in vacanta. Am trecut cu bine, nici nu as fi luat alta varianta in considerare.
Ce fac eu e mai putin interesant/important. Scriu pe blog despre ce simt si ce traiesc, in mare parte, asa ca ma opresc la rezumatul acesta in materie de "ce fac" si trec la "ce simt" incepand cu urmatorul post. Asta a fost doar o incalzire pentru degetele mele, plus ca postarile lungi sunt greu digerabile. Important este ca ma voi dedica mai mult blogului in aceasta perioada.
Va salut.
Stefan: Fericiti fie cei saraci cu duhul. WHAT THE *&#% JESUS??
Ok...daca vrei. Fericiti fie cei saraci cu duhul.WHAT THE*&#% JESUS?? si o zi frumoasa tuturor. Uite ca scriu iar, cred ca dupa aproape jumatate de an, si intre timp m-am apropiat cu 2 centimetri de inaltimea Empire State Building (for those of you who did not get it, am crescut cu 2 centimetri...cred) si, mai important, sunt mult mai matur...deja ati observat.
Cred ca am zis in postarile de mult trecute ca o sa scriu cum imi permite timpul si o sa ma concentrez asupra invatatului deoarece trec printr-o perioada grea a vietii. Uite c-am trecut, aproape, inca mai am putin dar deja nu mai depinde de mine asa ca oficial sunt in vacanta. Am trecut cu bine, nici nu as fi luat alta varianta in considerare.
Ce fac eu e mai putin interesant/important. Scriu pe blog despre ce simt si ce traiesc, in mare parte, asa ca ma opresc la rezumatul acesta in materie de "ce fac" si trec la "ce simt" incepand cu urmatorul post. Asta a fost doar o incalzire pentru degetele mele, plus ca postarile lungi sunt greu digerabile. Important este ca ma voi dedica mai mult blogului in aceasta perioada.
Va salut.
We're back in black!
We're back in black! Ok not in black... Don't you know we're glad to be back?
Ne-am intors dupa un an in care a trebui sa dam examene si alti rahati (share the shit), oricum acum suntem liberi si am vrea sa ne petrecem vara scriind pentru publicul nostru *waves hand*. Ok, sper ca o sa fim la fel de in forma dupa atata timp in care am scris doar analize literare de cacat, care nici nu ne-au folosit la examen deoatece nu ne-a dat asa ceva...
Am fost umilit de corectori si s-au intamplat tot soiul de chestii dar momentan enjoy le fuckin' song!
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